prosedur manufacture


The diagrams describe the way in which glass containers, such as bottles, are manufactured and recycled.
Overall, the process of glass production consist of four stages, beginning with mixing the materials and ending up with remove the fully formed glass container from the Individual Section. And the process of glass recycling consist of five stages, beginning with collection of used glass and ending up with molding into new products.
The process of glass production. Firstly, the raw materials needed in producing glass such as sand, soda ash, limestone, and other chemicals for coloring are mixed until a uniform mixture (batch) is obtained. After that, the batch are melted in the glass furnace, where it is heated at temperature approximately 1500° Celsius. Therefore, the molten glass is blown using a blowpipe to make the desired shape. Before everything is done, glass containers are removed from the IS (Individual Section) machine after they are fully formed.

The process of glass recycling. To begin with The Glass is taken from the bin and taken to a glass treatment plant, before the glass are getting crushed and melted, it should be sorted by color and washed to remove any impurities, as a result, it is moulded into new products such as bottles and jars or it may be used for alternative purposes such as brick manufacture or decorative uses.
