My daily food experience


I.             Introductory Paragraph
When I’m wake up and I always feel hungry, I eat food that I like. There are lots of foods that I like and almost every day I always eat that food. 

II.           BODY
A.  Paragraph 1 : the food at boarding house “Warteg Bu Goceng”
Topic Sentence : Menu of the food
Major Support : Many food menus that I often eat
Minor Support :
-      a lot of the menu of vegetables that are found on the warteg bu goceng
-      opor ayam and fried chicken is one of the main menus that I always choose.
-      do not forget that there are lots of snacks sold like bakwan, fried tempeh. fried banana, etc.
Concluding Sentence : almost all of the food menus  at “Warteg Bu Goceng” already tried. and I always eat at that place.

B.  Paragraph 2 : Golden Resto
Topic Sentence : Recommended Food 
Major Support : must to try three food recommendations that I gave
Minor Support :
-      The first recommendation food is geprek chicken crispy.
-      if you like fried rice, you should try this one because it's very tasty.
-      Soup is the right choice if you don't want to eat dry food.
Concluding Sentence : I like all the recommended foods, because they have a very tasty and delicious taste.

C.  Paragraph 3 : Warmindo 
Topic Sentence : My Favorite place with friends
Majo Support : the reasons to be a favorite place to gather at
Minor Support : 
-      we can go to that place anytime because it's open 24 hours.
-      the place can be reached and the food prices are cheap.
-      many variants of noodles that we can choose and additional menu variants such as eggs, sausages, nuggets, vegetables, etc.
Concluding Sentence : that's why warmindo is a place that is often visited for me and my friends gather.

That’s the food that I often eat every day and that's where all my favorite foods you can get. you must to try all my favorite food along with a very cool place to visit with friends. lets try guys!


When I’m wake up and I always feel hungry, I eat food that I like. There are lots of foods that I like and almost every day I always eat that food.
First, Usually every morning I always eat at “Warteg Bu Goceng” so many food that I often eat. A lot of the menu of vegetables that are found at “Warteg Bu Goceng” such as kangkong, capcay, chicken soup, etc. for the meat, I always choose chicken opor and fried chicken as a favorite side dish. And dont forget that there are lots of snack sold like bakwan, fried tempeh, friend banana, etc. I always buy this snacks because its very delicious. Almost all of the food menus  at “Warteg Bu Goceng” already tried. and I always eat at that place. 
The second is the recommended food at Golden Resto. You must to try three recommendations food that I gave to you. Geprek chicken crispy is the first recommended food for you because the large chicken and the very hot chili make us tasteful. if you like fried rice, you should try this one because it's very tasty. Soup is the right choice if you don't want to eat dry food like geprek chicken crispy or fried rice. I like all the recommended foods, because they have a very tasty and delicious taste.
The last is warmindo. Why I choose warmindo to be a favorite place to gather at with friends because this place open 24 hours so we can go to that place anytime we want. This place can be reached and the food prices are cheap no more that 20 thousand rupiahs. So many variants of noodles that we can choose and many additional menus such as eggs, sausages, nuggets, vegetables, etc. that’s why warmindo is a place that is often visited for me and my friends gather. 
That’s the food that I often eat every day and that's where all my favorite foods you can get. you must to try all my favorite food along with a very cool place to visit with friends. lets try guys!


  1. hai shelly, your essay is good. GOOD JOB!!

  2. Hi shelly, it's a good essay and the structure already clear. Good job!

  3. Hi Shelly, overall your outline and essay are good but I suggest you to separate clearly the introduction sentence and thesis statement on the introductory paragaraph at the outline

  4. what a great job, Girl! you already make it the same as the instruction. no suggestion from me

  5. Hi Shelly... I like your essay because your topic really interesting... I suggested that you separate between introductory sentence and your thesis sentence... 👍

  6. Hi Shelly, your essay and paragraph is good and structured, good job!
    (thumbs up)

  7. shelly im getting hungry by reading this essay haha
    i think you should make the introductory paragraph from general to specific :)

  8. I think your essay and outline already clear enough. But I think you should change your introductory paragraph. You can change it into quotation, general, or question paragraph to make it more attractive. Keep up the good work!

  9. Hi Shelly! Your essay is really good, but I think you should consider the introductory paragraph, it would be better if you add a sentence at the beginning of your essay that explain about food in general. Then, continue to the specific one.

  10. It's a good essay... I enjoy reading it.. good job shelly


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