advantages and disadvantages of using the internet


       Internet that comes from the word Interconnection Networking which means the relationship of computers with various types that form a network system that covers the entire world (global computer networks) through telecommunications such as telephone, radio links, satellites and others. In modern times like today, human life cannot be separated from the internet. The existence of the internet for people in Indonesia is indeed very helpful in everyday life. The internet was created to facilitate human work. Indonesian people also not only use the internet as a medium to ease work, but also for other things such as socializing or even seeking additional income.

        Because now the internet is already a necessity for humans, of course the internet has a positive impact on humans, namely with the internet, we become more aware of various insights and knowledge from various fields from all over the world. Especially for students, the internet makes it easier for them to find information related to learning. Students can also see various kinds of videos on Youtube which of course will support their education. Many educational videos are scattered on Youtube, you can also download these videos. Internet is also a communication tool used by the public to communicate with other internet users on internet applications. Examples are chat applications such as twitter, line, facebook, and gmail. This certainly makes it easy to communicate with anyone, anywhere, and anytime. Besides being easy to find information, we can also search for job openings on the internet. The internet has become a distinctive place for us to get jobs easily through sites that provide job information. The internet can also generate profits or money for us by trading online. For example, by opening your own online store. Apart from that, the internet also makes it easy for us to make shopping transactions and makes us not have to bother to shop directly at the store.
       From the many positive impacts, the internet also has a negative impact on humans, that is, it is not wrong if the internet is associated with pornography, both in the form of images, videos and writings. Internet media provides an opportunity for someone to view, download, and trade pornography. Chat rooms that contain fantasy and role playing for adults are increasingly prevalent. This is certainly very dangerous for all people. Ease of transaction without face to face meetings between the two parties. We need to be careful when conducting transactions online. and it would be nice to learn more observant sites that spread information relating to online transactions. Choose sites that are trusted if you want to buy products online. Many of us today prefer to relate to using the internet rather than meeting in person. From the change in social traits, the pattern of interaction changes among the people.

       In conclusion the internet is social media for humans to facilitate or help every human being to fulfill what is needed form the internet itself. The impact of the internet for us humans must be studied so that we will no longer abuse the internet itself. Here we can learn what the internet is for humans, because we often make harmful mistakes.


  1. Good essay shelly!
    The sentences is easy to understand :) gud jobbbbbb

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  4. Such a great essay, good job shelly


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