fast food is also a healthy food

fast food is also a healthy food

Topic : The recommended of fast food that can be found in Indonesia.

Supporting Sentence 1 : Salad
Supporting Sentence 2 : Sushi
Supporting Sentence 3 : Donburi

concluding Sentence
Many people think that fast food is junk food. Even though these two types of food are clearly different. 

Fast food is food that can be provided quickly. This food is ready to be eaten as soon as it is served. This food processing and preparation of ingredients is easier. Fast food variety is a great choice for those who are busy and don't have time to eat with the usual menu. Most people consider fast food unhealthy. These foods are known to be unhealthy because they contain lots of fat and calories. Though not all fast food is not healthy, you know. There are still why fast food is classified as healthy and good for the body. There is the recommended of fast food that can be found in Indonesia.

Salad generally consists of a variety of fresh vegetables or fresh fruit. But nowadays salads are growing and added various other ingredients to make it taste more delicious. Salads contain lots of natural fiber because the main ingredients are fruits and vegetables. Important minerals for the body and vitamins and nutrients in salads can be used by the body to make the body more fit. Salads can also help digestion because they contain lots of fiber. This one food is suitable for your consumption when hungry in rush hour.

Sushi is a typical food from Japan. Fast food served with good taste and different variants. This food is in the form of rice flavored with rice vinegar, salt, and sugar. Rice rolled with various fresh fish. Ranging from tuna, shrimp, to salmon rich in omega 3 can be sushi content. Eating sushi makes you calm and free from trans fat. Sushi has benefits for lowering bad cholesterol. Besides eating fresh fish can nourish the brain and prevent hypertension too.


Donburi is white rice served in a bowl and has various toppings. Usually also called the name of rice bowl and food is already known in many countries. This food has various varied toppings. There are also those made from chicken or beef. Usually equipped with various vegetables.

Many people think that fast food is junk food. Even though these two types of food are clearly different. Fast food is a food that is quickly served but not necessarily unhealthy. While junk food is a type of unhealthy food that contains a lot of bad fats and a little nutrient content. so these are some fast food that can be tried and are good for health.


  1. Wow your essay makes me feel hungry😍 ur essay already good, easy to understand

  2. Hallo, i am so glad to read on your essay but for betterment that you can repaird again because your essay too general. Thank you, have anice day

  3. I like your writing about healthy food... It's makes me hungry

  4. Hello shelly, Your essay is interesting and i like to read it. salad have a similar with indonesia food gado-gado. it's also using fresh vegetables but added peanut sauce, tofu/Tahu, and Tempe. For me, Gado-gado is more delicious.

    1. actual fresh vegetables we need to wash and cooked it in boiled water to exterminate micro organism in vegetables. so vegetables is good to eat

  5. What a good essay, sel. Keep up the good work :))
    Btw, it makes me feel hungry

  6. Hi its i good essay and topic. Good job!!

  7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  8. Wawwwww, What a great topic and a very clear outline you made!!!! You make me hungry😌😌

  9. Hi girl, it's a nice idea and a good essay. Good work!!!

  10. good essay! great topic! GOODJOB!

  11. hi shelly, i’ve read your essay and i found it was a very good essay! the way you choose your sentences makes the readers especially me undestood, and it was very good because you put the time phares according to period of the time. Good job

  12. your essay is already good. that is not too general but not to specific, so you can still elaborate the supporting sentences. good job, Shelly! :)

  13. what a unique topic hahaha its good essay and a fun topic great job


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